Tuesday, October 12, 2010


        Tyler Clementi, a freshman at Rutgers, took his life after his college roommate found it hilarious to stream a sex tape of Tyler over the internet.  Dharun, Tyler's roommate, did this more than once.  Why?  Because Tyler was having sex with a man.  The only reason Dharun harrassed Tyler was because he was gay.  Tyler, in response to having his gay sexcapades and personal life outed via global internet streaming, jumped off the George Washington Bridge.  On September 22 at 8:42pm, Tyler's facebook status read, "jumping off the gw bridge sorry."  I guess Dharun isn't the only one using social media to get their message across.  
       At age 13, Seth Walsh hanged himself from a tree after being harassed for years for being gay.
       At age 19, Raymond Chase hanged himself in his dorm room for the same reason.
       At age 15, Billy Lucas did the same.
       At age 13, Asher Brown also killed himself.
       All of these deaths occured within two weeks of each other.
       Five young, aspiring teens took their own lives.  And Why?
       They were bullied to death.
   How many young lives need to be taken before serious action is taken?  Is five enough?  Or do more young children need to commit themselves to violent suicide before things begin to change? 
     According to news articles reporting on the deaths, in many cases, the parents of the deceased children went to the school in regards to the excessive bullying.  
                                       They sought help.  They received none.
                                                      NOW WHAT? 

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