Thursday, October 28, 2010

Gayest Cartoon Characters



       With the exception of Ace and Gary, whose superpowers seemed to be the ability to have sex in flight and drove around in what looks very much like a penis with wheels, the other characters on this list never really DID anything homosexual.  So, what makes them so gay?
        This is an example of how society can shape titles and labels.  These characters are considered gay because they 'look' gay or 'act' gay.  Well, how does a homosexual look?  How does a homosexual act?  To be 'gay' today, you don't even have to have be sexually active with someone of the same-sex.
      Gender identity is a hot topic in today's society.  If you're a girl and you've got a crew cut and wear baggy jeans- you're gay.  If you're a boy in a deep v-neck and your voice isn't as deep as it 'should' be  - you're gay.  Boys who dance ballet and girls who play softball are all a bunch of gays.  Right?  Wrong.  These stereotypes are affecting the content of everything we absorb and the labeling of everyone we meet:  And they are wrong.
      These characters represent what social and cultural ideas mean for the labeling of gays.  These labels lead to stereotyping, and stereotyping breeds discrimination.  Even Piglet is on this list, and he's just a kid.  Piglet being considered gay just shows how youth can be taunted for their sexuality before they are even old enough to understand it.  In Minnesota, Seth Walsh hanged himself in his backyard after being bullied for being looking, or acting, or seeming gay.  He was 13. 
     In short, the stereotypes and labels need to stop.  Seemingly-straight gays walk among us every day.  Maybe you share your dorm room with one.  Maybe you're dating one and you won't find out he/she is gay until 5 years into your marriage.

There are lesbians who don't wear flannel, and not all gay men have lisps. 

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